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Carry for the Future

Claire F Baylis | Published on 9/17/2018

LMCC2016 is collecting baby carriers for refugees via the organization Carry the Future. Please help us support moms in desperate circumstances!
Do you have a carrier you no longer need? They especially need toddler-size carriers.
Could you reach out to your social networks to see if others have one? (Facebook, NextDoor, etc), workplace, preschool, daycare, places of worship, other Las Madres and mommy groups you’re in, etc...
You can find the list of ones they accept here. (They are only able to accept certain soft-structured carriers (like Bjorns, Ergos, Lillebabies, Tulas, etc) and bei dais, because volunteers are trained on them and refugees can be taught quickly how to wear them. No wraps or slings.)
We'll be wrapping up our collection on the 24th.